Virtual Author Talk with NYPL
I’ll be doing an interview, short reading, and q&a virtually with the New York Public Library as part of their “Top Ten Graphic Novels for Adults” author series! Hope you can join!
Note: 1:15pm EST!!!!
I’ll be doing an interview, short reading, and q&a virtually with the New York Public Library as part of their “Top Ten Graphic Novels for Adults” author series! Hope you can join!
Note: 1:15pm EST!!!!
I’ll be tabling at MICE in Boston! Table 47B
3:30pm Saturday Dec. 7th Comics Visual Literacy Panel - How do we talk about comics as a visual art form? What are the elements of great visual story-telling? In this signature MICE panel, we once again bring four accomplished cartoonists together to answer these questions, with close readings of comics pages from their own work and from the artists that inspired them.
Moderator: Dan Mazur
Panelists: Beth Hetland, Benjamin A. Wilgus, Arielle Jovellanos, & Gideon Kendall
I’ll be tabling at this brand new show in Chicago!
Kyle will be tabling on behalf of both of us at this amazing comics show! Be sure to stop by and say hi!
Join us for a spooky afternoon as we hear from two horror/thriller authors! Reading(including visuals from Beth's graphic novel), followed by a Q&A and signing.
I’ll be tabling at this horror author event!
I’ll be jumping on a corner of my buddy Tyrell Cannon’s table and on a panel FRIDAY ONLY! Because y’all, I’m nominated for a Harvey Award!!! I’ll be attending the ceremony Friday night.
Table: B-22
11am Panel: “Titles That You Should Be Reading, Recommending, and Teaching" Room 406.2
I’ll be visiting some classes on campus as well as giving a public artist talk! Hope you can make it to the talk if you’re in the East Lansing area.
I’ll be moderating a panel as part of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Industry Week. The panel will have Bianca Xunise and their editor Aneeka Kailia from Penguin Random House, and Caroline Cash with her editor Avi Erlich from Silver Sprocket. This event is open to the SAIC community, including alumni! Book signing and celebration to follow.
I’ll be tabling at MILK!
I’ll be tabling and leading a workshop at the Chicago Zine Fest!
I’ll be tabling at CXC!
I’ll be leading a 1-hour session as part of the Professional Development Programming at CXC.
Comics in College - Teaching with your Strengths
Whether you’re leading a workshop, doing the adjunct hustle, or curious about dipping your toes into the academic pool, teaching is a great opportunity to grow your skills and broaden your network. Award winning educator, Beth Hetland, will share her insights from over a decade of teaching comics and comics adjacent courses at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
I’ll be a Special Guest and tabling at the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD! One of my favorite comic shows of the year!
Saturday 11am - 7pm
Sunday 12pm - 6pm
I’ll be tabling at Zinecinnati! Stop by!
I’ll be helping to kick off Zinecinnati with several other comics readers! (Pro-tip, I’ll be toward the end because I’m coming from my event in Dayton!)
I’ll be reading and signing Tender!
I’m a special guest at the Chicago Alternative K(c)omics Expo!
Table 111
I will also be on a panel on Saturday at 4:30pm
Horrifically Tender with Beth Hetland & Tyrell Cannon
Special Guest Beth Hetland’s new critically acclaimed body-horror graphic novel Tender (Fantagraphics) is sure to wiggle its way under your skin. Beth is joined in discussion by long-time pal and incredible cartoonist Tyrell Cannon (The Schlub, ERIS, Gary). They will crawl through every dark corner for a look inside the creative process and development of Tender.
A discussion on publishing and the differences between small press, self publishing and larger publishers. The conversation will included comparisons of different types of publishing, the benefits and drawbacks of each avenue, and how they can impact the artist and their work.
Moderator: Jenny Mott of POMEpress
Panelists: Trung Le Nguyen, Beth Hetland, Anders Nilsen
I’m a special guest at Autoptic in Minneapolis!! Table 43!
I’ll be reading part of Tender with some incredible cartoonists!!
Full line-up:
Beth Hetland
Blue Delliquanti
Chad Bilyeu
Trung Le Nguyen
Anders Nilsen
Bianca Xunise
I’m so psyched to read and sign with Katie Skelly!!!
I’ll be reading and signing at The Open Book in Santa Clarita!
I’ll be reading and signing at southern California’s LARGEST and OLDEST bookstore!
I’m delighted to share I’ll be reading with amazing cartoonists Elinor Bonifant, Nicole Goux, Nicole Georges, and Ezra Claytan Daniels! Tickets are pay-what-you-want donation that goes towards the Library!
I’ll be signing at the Fantagraphics Table the following days and times:
Thursday 4pm -5pm
Friday 1pm-2pm
Saturday 1pm-2pm
Sunday 12pm-1pm
I’ll be visiting Digital Tools taught by Allen Passalaqua and Professional Practices taught by Mel Gillman in the Low Residency Comics MFA program!
I’ll be reading and signing books at Comix Experience!
I’ll be reading part of Tender and joined by the GREAT Molly Mendoza!
I’ll be reading from Tender and signing copies at one of my sister’s favorite book stores in the Seattle area! Be sure to go to the Lake Forest location!